Thursday, October 7, 2010

Wednesday 6th Oct Filming

We as a group has completed the filming today for our webisode. Filming has taken 2 days and one lesson to complete. I was the on set photographer and partly filmed. Me and Sophie took it in turns to film.

Durning filming the fire alarm went off, because of this we was 20 minutes behind filming, so the filming went on for longer than expected. The scenes that was filmed today was Alison doing one more take with her conversation with James, but instead of James (Oliver Houghton) voicing, Sophie did this as James was not needed. Then we had Alison (Jessica Hill) walking down the corridor and out reception doors into the college woods.
Then when in the woods, her being attracted to the two trees and disappearing.

Filming went well apart from the fire alarm, (when this happened we had to quickly pack up the equipment so that it did not get damaged during the process of us evacuating the building.)

Tomorrow we shall start editing the footage and we hope to get a rough cut by the end of the day on friday 8th.

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