Here you can view the screen grabs of the messages that i placed on facebook:
So far i have not received any feedback for the video from my Facebook post. The only feedback is from the class which is located below. It is disappointing that people cannot spent 5 minutes to watch the video and then give some feedback on it. People now don't really comment because they cannot spent a few minutes of their time to help someone else out, even my friends and family have not taken the time to watch it and comment. People are not bothered about see other peoples work .
This hear is a screen grab of a graph from vimeo of the page views and video views. I did not expect anybody from America to even come across the page because it is halfway around the world. I think that the views in Great Britain are mainly from the class as Facebook had not worked on promoting the video. I have been thinking about going online on Facebook, then talk to the people online and ask them myself if they can watch it and give feedback, but this would take a very long time.
Here is a screen grab of the location of the people who have viewed our video. It has had many page loads than views.Here is the feedback from the class, which has been screen grabbed from vimeo below:
Only 4 people have given feedback on the video out of the class. This is still disappointing as Me and Sophie have each given feedback on their videos but they cannot take the time to give feedback on ours. The feedback that has been given is quite detailed and it tells us their view on our video.
I have around 70 to 80 friends on Facebook and no one has given feedback, but the class members have given some feedback. This is surprising as My Facebook message got sent to nearly 80 people and no one commented back, but the class of around 20, 4 people have commented. When out of college, people don't want to even hear the word work, and as i asked them to watch it and comment on it, they would relate this to work and ignore the message.
Here is a screen grab of the page views of the webisode i have made for the webisode series The Revenge Of Jessica Hill. It is on blogger. Link: There has not been many page views but at least it shows that some people have followed the link from my Facebook messages and view the blog. It's a shame that no one from Facebook have watch it.
I have just sent an email to all my contacts in my email (Time 12.03 - 18th ) asking if they can watch the video by following the link to the webisode website. Here is a screen grab of that email:
When any replies come, it will upload them. Hopeful by doing this someone will reply with some feedback/comments, even if they are bad comments as the bad stuff is good to know.
If i was to get a reply, i would expect to receive it by Tuesday night, so i will keep checking my email.
Here is the blog that the video was uploaded on and this is the website that people will be going on if the decide to watch the video.
19th Oct
Yesterday i recieved an email back from Dana Kleiman, an old friend. She replied with 'I love the light effects' The reply is not detailed as i hoped for, but it is nice that she has taken the time to watch it and give a comment.
A screen shot of this email is located below. I am still hoping for more replies.
This feedback is important to us as it gives us an understanding of what the viewers expect and have we included this in our video. Getting feedback helps us know what needs changing and is it good enough and is it up to the standards. The viewers view is the most importance thing in the industry. For example, If a creator wants to create a new show for The CW Television Network, a pilot episode would be created ad if the viewing figures are good enough, they would commission a whole season. An example of this is Nikita -
Getting feedback for our webisode has been hard. We have posted it on Facebook, I have around 80 friends on it, then i sent an email to my hotmail contacts and i have only had 1 reply out of all.
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